Sunday, April 15, 2018

Decimating the eco-system

It is painful to watch documentaries of global warming because you know it's there and no one seems to be doing anything about it. This one is one of the better ones on the field, at least it seems it got a little more weight getting Leonardo DiCaprio to host it and he manages to interview pretty powerful and wise people; from world known scientists (Piers Sellers) to enterpreneurs (Elon Musk) and politicians (Barack Obama) and holy men (Pope Francis). The people who would truly make a difference - the people at the other side of the fence - are absent because they know the truth and choose to lie. I'm not the worst doomsday prophet because I feel there still is a glimmer of hope, but the people who don't believe in global warming are idiots.

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That kid ain't a killer

A hitchhiker leaves quite a many dead people in his wake. A young man escapes the clutches of him and is subsequently stalked by the fucker....