Monday, July 29, 2024

The ones above, the ones below, and the ones who fall

It's a simple premise. A prison is split in levels. A platform of an exquisite buffet travels downwards and stops for 2 minutes at every level. During that time, two prisoners in the level can eat all they want from the buffet. Of course, the supply diminishes each level and by the time it reaches the bottom, there's no food left. To make it more interesting and arbitrary, prisoners are changing levels each month, so they might get lucky. Or they don't. Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia's El hoyo is a movie full of symbolism and social study, but it's also quite a vulgar and darkly comical bit as a plain film too. 

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Thinning the herd

Architect Paul Kersey, a vigilante on free time, has kept the streets clean from scum and filth in New York and Los Angeles before. And now ...