Saturday, June 22, 2019

The call of the cowards

It's more or less the same story. Lord of Loxley, Robin Hood, becomes a thief. His new buddy - Maori Yahya aka. John - teaches him to become master of his craft. Series of robberies begin and the sheriff of Sherwood ain't too happy. The old story hasn't looked so plastic and tasteless ever before. They are spewing ridiculous one-liners back and forth, too much too soon for the actor Taron Egerton, Robin Hood himself is an annoying little brat and the haircuts, make-ups and clothes of these medieval people are ripped right out of the latest fashion magazine. Just plain stupid.

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That kid ain't a killer

A hitchhiker leaves quite a many dead people in his wake. A young man escapes the clutches of him and is subsequently stalked by the fucker....