Friday, January 22, 2021

Constitutional right the spread the deadly virus

Globally, 2020 was not a very good year (and it seems 2021 follows suit). Will people remember it still in, say, 2220? Reckon by then people have had their share of pandemics, world wars and shortage of clean water, oil and oxygen to give a shit. But if people exist in 2220, and they read a history book (or an equivalent of a book) and open the chapter of 2020, they read about Covid-19, Black Lives Matter, Liverpool FC winning the premier league, Brexit and one deranged president. This is a mockumentary that was only momentarily funny.

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Forlorn friends obliterated

Disappointing. A few deliciously nasty and disgusting scenes thrown here and there, but they can't keep the movie together. The film is ...