Monday, August 29, 2016

Time takes everybody out

Rocky Balboa's nemesis and pal Apollo Creed's son - Donnie - wants to make his mark on the ring as well. The story is weak, everything in the movie screams predictability (what else can you expect in a boxing movie?), but liked it anyways how it was put together. Sly Stallone is in excellent form and truly dazzles in his low-key role, eg. compared to his more 'muscular' forms in Expendables or something.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Looking before you cross

In search of happiness and sumthin' else, young Irish lady Eilis (Saoirse Ronan) travels to Brooklyn, New York, sometime in the 50s. She's homesick as fuck at the beginning, but when she meets an Italian plumber, her life perks up. Things progress and some mixed emotions arise. Lovely little story for those who like lovely little stories, courtesy by Stephen Fears.

Zooming down from heaven

Ma (Brie Larson) was kidnapped, locked in a shed and continuously abused. She gave birth to a son and lived with him (and the punctually visiting rapist) in the inhumane living conditions for five years, until a lucky break. Despite the evil and nasty Fritzl-shit, this is quite a remarkable film. Mesmerizing at times. Easily one of the memorable ones of the year. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The thrill is in the hunt

Actor Jackie Earle Haley directs this "cool" crime thriller of four guys kidnapping gangsta's newphew and things get complicated. Pretentious wanna-be-tarantino bullshit that is below average on every level. And that includes the plot twist.

Data trumps politics

One of the many well-meaning documentaries on climate change and the endless struggle against multi corporate oil and tobacco industries. Swimming against massive currents and even the former sceptics now realize that it's too late already. The good guys lost, we ran out of time.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Nail the scumbags

Based on a true story. The Boston Globe goes against Catholic church, its pedophile priests and massive organized cover-up that reaches from hell to Vatican. Can't emphasize enough my stance on any religion and unreal higher powers such as God, but when there's these pervert clerics using the fucking religion to rape little children and then hide behind the mighty (Catholic) church, it's morbid, it's beyond all evil. 249 priests and brothers were accused of sexual abuse in Boston alone based on Globe's investigation. They should wipe it out, the Christian church, all religions for all I care. This movie, it's true Oscar caliber (won the fucken competition too), investigative journalism in extreme well thought-out and structured form, crowned with stellar acting.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Supposed to be a sweet ride

This is the greatest Finnish movie ever made. Viltteri (Vesa Vierikko) has more vital matters at hand than his newborn son and wife, he has to drive his car to Sweden for a vehicle inspection. This one-hour film is packed full so many thingies that only could take place in purely Finnish circumstance. Everyone in the world should see it at least once a year to understand Finnish oddity, humour and logic.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

God is shit

Not a happy place, Colonia Dignidad, a concentration camp masqueraded as a christian church that operated in Chile in the 60s and 70s and lead by a pedophile priest Paul Schäfer who claimed he was the second coming of christ. The camp was also used by the Chilean secret police as a torture prison for the anti-Pinochet socialist left wing activists. Gotta say, this was surprisingly captivating. Two lovers (Brühl and Watson) get stuck inside the compound and are obliged to obey the laws of the sadistic shit of a cult leader (Nyqvist).  

A restless heart

Well, there's a killer bunny with an enormous penis raping and skullfucking people in wintry Finnish woods. I guess the movie makers did exactly what they wanted to do, so who am I to criticize anything. Fuckin' nothing makes absolutely no sense is all, but - in addition to the pussy-shouting bunny itself - there are some cultish qualities like the former Finnish porn star Henry Saari acting as a long-haired police officer.

Gutting the witch

Some aggravating accusations of former U.S. president George W. Bush Jr.'s falsified military service records. TV program 60 Minutes jumped right in the story, justly so, during Bush's second presidential campaign. But, now, making a movie of it, it's hopelessly yesterday's news.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Truth beyond the world

I'm sure this film will grow on me eventually. Didn't homerun the first time round. It's an Ethan & Joel Coen movie, so it should sparkle and shine. I mean, the Coen quirkiness is there, the quick-witted writing and humour, too, and it looks damn nice (probably their most photographic film yet). Somehow I still didn't get it even though it has reminiscences of Blood Simple, Barton Fink and The Man Who Wasn't There, all excellent movies. Most likely purposefully so, it was lost in between a comedy, a musical and a smartarse thriller.

Goddess of heaven

Charlie Kaufman's offbeat writing is more challenging, interesting and original than you usually get from Tinseltown. His words kept Anomalisa, an animated feature of a sales rep's trip to Cincinnati, alive. Nothing else did.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

One million oysters

Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) is a reknowed chef who once fucked everything up but now aims to achieve his third Michelin star. It was immediately noticed that they had educated themselves in the culinary world and a strong cast (Cooper, Sienna Miller, Daniel Brühl, Matthew Rhys) made it all happen.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Excuse to be coward

Hospital owner, multi-millinaire philanthropist Franny (Richard Gere) has issues of guilt. He also is addicted to morphine. It calls for desperate measures and, in a nutshell, that's all there is to movie here.

Never-ending cycle of shit

Love this show. They are either fighting or fucking all the time. There's a  - tad loopholed - story put together just so they can fight and fuck. Fucking amazing. Funny little town, Banshee, it's packed full of violence, drugs, tits, aggressive indians, nazis, Amish people, troubled cops, mobster shit, it has it all. This was season # 2.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Happiness is not a sustainable condition

A relationship drama. Not good with those. Comic writer and teacher Will Henry (Jermaine Clement) is a divorcée w/ two kids and a new relationship brewing. There's absolutely nothing else.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Everyone is looking for a better life

An overrated actor Ryan Gosling, probably dazzled by his fame on false pretense, is treading new territories and he products, writes and directs this garbage. He's clearly influenced by Nicolas Winding Refn, but the movie looks like an unfinished art school project.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Paranoid people with guns are a menace to society

A tad outdated I'd say. The film was released in 1992 and it depicts the 2008 London after an ecocatastrophe. Detectives Harley Stone (Rutger Hauer) and Dick Durkin (Alastair Duncan) are hunting down a serial killer out of this world. I liked this and its contemporaries back in the day just fine, but merely a warm memory now.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Revenge of the fallen

It's a savage power struggle in between a few cannibal Maori tribes and we are particularly interested in following a young fella in his guest to avenge his father's killers. They all talk this funky language and it's all set in a pretty nice rain forest in some ancient times. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells are within you

Reminded me of Ridley Scott's Black Hawk Down (2001) where limited number of U.S. soldiers are stuck in volatile and deadly neighbourhood. On a true story based on Benghazi Attack, rangers and states agents are trying to keep the good guys alive and rebels at bay in Libya. It all happened in 2012, after 42 years of Muammar Gaddafi's tyranny. It's hostile shit, Michael Bay at the helm, so guaranteed high-octane action.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ugly is what we do

I mean, come on, this movie was done terrible on purpose, right? Because I cannot think worse movie at the moment. It was tremendously bad. So bad that it was almost satisfying to watch it. Bludgeoned to death with sillyness. And the lead actor - someone called Luke Bracey - worst fucking acting performance of the century.

Road to truth has many turns

A German terrorist Simon ( Jeremy Irons ) is in New York City and he plans to rob the Federal Reserve Building. John McClane ( Bruce Willis ...