Friday, January 24, 2020

Rats among the plastic people

The Charles Manson family were murderous drugged up hippies. They were influenced by a shit musician, their beacon of light, Charles Manson who was charismatic enough to lure bunch of insecure lonely teens from broken homes and form a cult. Charlie had it well covered, they all belonged to him. While it lasted it was a pretty orgasmic feast. But then all the murders happened and several people were sentenced to life without parole. Charlie Says depicts the collective insanity and hysteria pretty well. The cult was a freak circus full of racists. Funnily though, I reckon the real reason the family murdered all those people was because Charles Manson wanted worldwide fame (wanted to become as big as The Beatles), but once he got rejected by a recording label, he threw a tantrum. Like a fucking child.

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