Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Sometimes it's better to choose your own family

Winner of Palme d'Or. A story of a deprived Japanese family living the ghetto who steal food and basic household items to stay alive. With an extra mouth to feed, a new member - a kidnapped lassie - in the family doesn't really help the situation, but her presence brings joy to the whole lot. Pretty alright, but the greatest thing is that the movie shows Japan and its culture and people the way it's hardly ever seen before. High technology, the strict business culture, busy streets of Tokyo, the glitter of J-pop, and so on, are rather gruelly replaced by unemployment, poverty and grey everydayness.

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Forlorn friends obliterated

Disappointing. A few deliciously nasty and disgusting scenes thrown here and there, but they can't keep the movie together. The film is ...