Sunday, September 08, 2013

America is not a country it's a business

Well, I was watching Steven Spielberg's epic drama Lincoln and after 60 minutes the boredom nearly choked me to death, so I switched on to this. Didn't bore me fuck all, loved every fucking minute. I'm a sucker for trashy pulp, George V. Higgins is one of my favourite authors and the people here executed everything with brilliance. I don't get it why it has gotten such a bad rep everywhere. One of my new favourites. Easily.
The one and only thing I was impressed about Lincoln was the number of stars (Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn, Joseph Gordon-Lewitt, James Spader, Tommy Lee Jones, John Hawkes, Tim Blake Nelson), but this line-up (Brad Pitt, James Gandolfini, Richard Jenkins, Vincent Curatola, Ray Liotta, Sam Shepard) doesn't get any worse - and these two guys Scoot McNairy and Ben Mendelsohn were amazing, their drugged-up scene took my breath away. And otherwise too, Andrew Dominik's direction was spot-on, the slow-motion bits were some of the best (and funniest) slow-motion bits I've ever seen.

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The space is space, it doesn't change

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