Monday, September 23, 2013

The dead never stay dead

One of the most daring film projects ever. I personally found it so earth-shatteringly marvellous that I almost felt an urge to call everyone I know to watch the movie and then ask did they felt like I did. To me it was greatly fucken powerful experience. And I still understand the people who found this confusing, because that's what it is, zigzagging between six time periods, with the same actors and all. It's almost that you have to follow six movies at the same time, within one single movie. And what a splendid job they've done, not only the actors - Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant, Hugo Weaving, Jim Broadbent, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, Keith David, James D'Arcy - but the make-up and wardrobe department, and, above all, the directors (Tom Tykwer, Andy and Lana Wachowski). A bloody fine film.

The magical winter never ends

I was biased. Before seeing the actual thing, I thought of an egotrip and a fantasy camp of a mediocre Power Metal band Nightwish. That they had been thinking too much of themselves and things got blown out of proportion and they made a 90 minutes movie which sole reason is to feed their ego. What I got was even worse. This is fucking repulsive piece of shit. I shivered with disgust.

I don't hang out with people who kill women

Christopher Walken, Colin Farrell and Sam Rockwell make a bloody good team. This is, at best, insanely funny little comedy, lots of laughs, ridden with tons of great actors and actresses even in the most miniscule roles imaginable, the movie writes itself as it speaks and the dialogue is penned brilliantly (w/ probably lots of improvisation). I'm sure everyone involved in the movie had a great time and it shows.

Right off the roof

Confusing and not very well adapted from a graphic novel. There are bad cops and mafia people killing everybody to bits. And no-one pays any attention. Then there's Sly Stallone and he's a bad ass.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Starry night, dead calm

The story wasn't new to me. I had either read it or seen a different version before. Probably both. Or I'm just imagining things. They had jumped the fences here, things happened too bloody fast and weirdly some of the stuff that happened earlier on in the movie weren't explained in the end. The editor must have been on crack or something. 

Help, help

One of the most disturbing features for some time. I’d say subtle sadism for the lack of a better word. Shot in the laws of proper film making (courtesy of Jennifer Lynch), but despite the twisted nature of the story, after a while it got pretty boring to watch.

Low budget horror movie claptrap

Don’t bother to hunt down the ins and outs as to how accurate is this Alfred Hitchcock biopic, but this was perfectly watchable, quite entertaining and Anthony Hopkins delivered.

The 007 of Plainfield, New Jersey

Hmmm. Another hmmm. And a few more. And lots of why’s. Most definitely, a thousand times shit.

Choose between people and animals

Hopelessly indifferent, but innocent enough a family movie with lots of animals and that’s always kind of fucking cute.

Granted a glimpse of heaven

Sex and lust turn into sadistic game. Roman Polanski directs and his wife (Emmanuelle Seigner) as the femme fatale. Quite a curious fucker, and original in style and mood, but not particularly well acted.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Welcome to the dark side of Berlin

Shit hits the fan when urban explorers roam the secret nazi sewers!

The crazy slut with a dead husband

Why all of a sudden they think Bradley Cooper is the greatest movie star out there in tinseltown? He's as good in butt-raping a movie as Shia LaBeouf, Casey Affleck, Justin Timberlake, LL Cool J or, god help, 50 Cent. Not that it had made any difference here.

Without love Frank is but a tinkling bell

A city adventure of a group of people all named Frank. That and only that is the catch. And it was funny back then and it ain't too bad now. The thing is though, that the story is a bit disheveled and thence this is a little overrated a movie. There are worse cult flicks, but still.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

America is not a country it's a business

Well, I was watching Steven Spielberg's epic drama Lincoln and after 60 minutes the boredom nearly choked me to death, so I switched on to this. Didn't bore me fuck all, loved every fucking minute. I'm a sucker for trashy pulp, George V. Higgins is one of my favourite authors and the people here executed everything with brilliance. I don't get it why it has gotten such a bad rep everywhere. One of my new favourites. Easily.
The one and only thing I was impressed about Lincoln was the number of stars (Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn, Joseph Gordon-Lewitt, James Spader, Tommy Lee Jones, John Hawkes, Tim Blake Nelson), but this line-up (Brad Pitt, James Gandolfini, Richard Jenkins, Vincent Curatola, Ray Liotta, Sam Shepard) doesn't get any worse - and these two guys Scoot McNairy and Ben Mendelsohn were amazing, their drugged-up scene took my breath away. And otherwise too, Andrew Dominik's direction was spot-on, the slow-motion bits were some of the best (and funniest) slow-motion bits I've ever seen.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Dark is the reich of the dead

A book of Black Metal. Or tries to be. Tries to be clever of delving into Black Metal outside of Norway and everything is falling apart little by little. A few dozen neverheards voice their opinions and label honchos, distributors, journalists - like we were interested. Nope.

Eat lead, zombie

In the Walking Dead and Shaun Of The Dead bandwagon. And to be perfectly honest, them movies are coming out of every doorway and it stopped being funny already. The freshness of it died a long while ago. But at least the cover is cool.

You silver-tongued devil you

To come to think of it, Quentin Tarantino is the greatest film director of his generation and beyond. He hasn't one single flop in his career and above all, his movies are stylish and original. Everything seems justified, evere frame, every word to the last fucking syllable, the soundtrack, everything. He's great with actors, at least them actors deliver like never before. Django Unchained, even though it's long and it has lots of leeway that might seem unnecessary, it is a goddamn entertaining son of a bitch.

Keep away from children

At the Omen ballpark. A couple of good scares, but everything else is plain-and-simple nonsense.

Homeward bound

Gabby Petito wanted to be an internet star, but her asshole boyfriend Brian killed her. She first went missing and there was a nationwide se...