Wednesday, September 19, 2012

There was no fog on the lake

One of those things. The movie starts off with Tom Waits’ monologue where his raspy voice introduces us to this small bizarre town that is the central piece of the story. And that’s it, at that moment on I was certain I was going to love the movie despite the fact that this Francis Ford Coppola film has gotten somewhat of a bad beating in the press and by the audience (5.1. points in the IMBD…hello?!?!?!), but, sure enough, I was sold. A small town horror movie, a mystery, Val Kilmer is fucken amazing (glad to have him back on track) and above all, Coppola shoots like a madman, Twixt is obscure, surreal and dreamy, but strangely beautiful with great blackish humour. A cult for future generations.

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