Thursday, March 30, 2017

Evil like a knife

A punk rock band Ain't Rights witness a murder and is hijacked by redneck white supremacists. Things escalate from murder real quick, in fact it's soon set in ultra-violence mode. A great splatter/thriller indie by Jeremy Saulnier (Blue Ruin) where, quite surprisingly, people like Anton Yelchin and Patrick Stewart star the show.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Once a fat kid always a fat kid

Slapstick buddy comedy. I'm sure some people think Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson's chemistry and comical intuition is hysterically funny. Those people laughed their tits off watching this. I think it was infantile and stupid. If this thing had a story it was buried under idotic guffaw. Didn't laugh, not once.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Misfits and nitwits

I don't think it deserves much more, it's a fucking western John Wick where Ethan Hawke does his best Clint Eastwood impersonation and can't fucking deliver.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Someone fundamentally new

A divorced mom is kidnapped for some weird experimental tests. And she's not the only one imprisoned inside the facility run by mad scientists. The mom has several obstacles to overcome if she wants to escape alive, but luckily she's quite inventive. A horror/scifi that tries to ignite claustrophobia, anxiety and fear. Ignites fucking shit.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Just a little goodbye gift

Awfully fast-paced therefore lost lots of its potential and the decent cast (Gary Oldman, Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, Ryan Reynolds) can't inhabit its paperthin characters. A long-haul convict Jerico Stewart (Costner) is transformed the memory of a deceased CIA agent, so he can continue the unfinished business of the wrongdoings of a terrorist and a cyber nerd. Sounds silly and it is silly, but they do their utmost.

Spiked drink drown in a bathtub

A perfectly happy couple get new neighbours the floor below and the new people seem suspiciously creepy. It's kind of like Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby (1968) or The Tenant (1976) all over again, copycatted a few thousand times before and it's always a bit exciting and terrifying. This one took twists and turns that are particularly vile and evil.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The city for everyone who belongs everywhere else

I've picked up great mini series as of late. The Night Of and The Night Gardener and now this, River. Stellan StarsgÄrd is a detective who gets occasional visits from the dead people from the cases he investigates. Sounds crazier than it actually is, in fact terribly interesting whodunnit thing with a real authentic feel to it.

Unprecedented until it happens for the first time

One hell of a pilot. Chesley Sullenberger. The guy who landed Airbus A320 on the Hudson River saving the lives of 155 people. And one hell of a thing accusing him of not doing the right thing. Clint Eastwood directs and Tom Hanks stars, one hell of a pair (their first collaboration). A story of a fullblown hero.

Psycho assassins

Shy of Batman and Superman, they are all here, them superheroes, and they take turns fighting against each other and a common enemy. Nicely executed action and there's plenty of it, but otherwise this stuff is fucklots indifferent to me.

Thursday, March 09, 2017

The logic of tyrants

I should have read the novel. I guess there's an idea somewhere why the director Ron Howard had to make the movie so confusing and fast-paced, it's galloping like a race horse on LSD. The countless of flashbacks don't help. Otherwise it's a typical Dan Brown mystery where the professor Langdon runs (literally) through the maze of riddles and betrayal. Read about the controversy surrounding the changed ending, apparently the novel had an intelligent and ambiguous ending and the movie watered it down with a happy one. Typical Hollywood, never fucking liked Ron Howard's films the first place.

Dive in the wild side

After Open Sea, The Reef, Deep Blue Sea and, obviously, Jaws, it's virtually impossible to bring anything new to the shark movie business. Your tools of trade are kind of limited: sea, sharks and their prey. So, it's the way you do it that matters. In The Shallows the usual thrills are there and on technical standpoint it's great, but towards the end it got a bit too thick and unbelievable when the surfer chick who fights this monstrous ungodly beast is unforeseenly inventive.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

World-class bullshit detector

A courtroom drama of one case of patricide. The quality of acting, cinematography, set design, you name it, overall how it represents itself, this should never pass on as 'a film'. Looks like a parodized soap opera. Terrible.

The modern battlefield is everywhere

An Oliver Stone movie of a CIA/NCI whistleblower Edward Snowden. Lots of interesting things on how the US intelligence agencies are spying us and watching and tagging everyone on the planet. Even, if needed, they can shut down the powder grip of an entire country. Thanks to his disclosure, Snowden embarrassed and ridiculed the US government, and his actions changed legislations (or we are lead to believe). Anyways, an interesting biopic of the outlaw, currently residing in Russia.

Criminal justice

It's like a novel you can't put down. An innocent man (or so we assume) is incarcerated of stabbing a young woman 22 times. Seems like an open-and-shut case, however a resilent officer of the court John Stone (John Turturro) digs a little deeper. Wonderful mini series with a multi-layered story and memorable characters (particularly John Turturro as the defender with eczema and sweet relationship with the victim's household cat).

Monday, March 06, 2017

The chaos of creation

Three wagonfuls of settlers are looking for greener pastures and a somewhat shady character named Meek is their guide through fierce Indian territories. Doesn't say much this movie, just a handful of people lost in an unknown place, tired and thirsty, and scared out of their tits.

Homeward bound

Gabby Petito wanted to be an internet star, but her asshole boyfriend Brian killed her. She first went missing and there was a nationwide se...