Sunday, April 28, 2013

Squeeze my lizard

It was on TV right after Ace of Spades -classic album documentary, so I stuck watching it. Again. Cool.

Neither the beginning nor the end

Neil Marshall makes quite splendid movies, but there are always a tad too eccentric characters (female ones, in particular) running around and the action is kind of excessive with fucken weird & wild turn of events.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ranch chips and golf

Eh. You caught me red-handed.

Have a safe trip, you little bastards

This time even less so I didn't mind that the film was stupid, in the amazingly stupid magnitude, the true Emmerich style. I had a cool time, I was entertained, the stars were aligned I guess.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Can you hear the thunder?

I liked this even more than its contemporaries, more than all the other TV series I've been following recently. Be it Boardwalk Empire, The Walking Dead, Treme, Homeland, True Blood or Game of Fucking Thrones, Luck outshines them all. Great music to boot.

No recipe for living

I have seen too many Finnish movies lately and I'm getting fed up. That's how it goes sometimes and it ain't this movie's fault. Well, who am I kidding, of course it is. What they've done is fucking shit, I have every right to leave it at just fucking that.

There is no death

And I thought everything was said and done in the walking dead industry. Here the living dead get the kick out of being vigilante gunslingers. Wasn't that fucken hilarious.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Doomed to be on this earth

There were innuendos and accusations of Olof Palme's (the prime minister of Sweden until his assassination in 1986) inner circle profiteering and other things as well, but be at is may, he still is the most intelligent and well-meaning politician ever lived.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Night of the monkeys

The first fifteen minutes were great. Small town football supporters talk the sport and behave like proper hooligans. The rest is shit. Like often, bad story telling has been disguised with characters getting drunk and talking dirty. It could be fun and wild if it was done accordingly, but not here it ain't.

It takes two

The latest movie of Finnish detective series where even the subplots are ridden with subplots. Cool pulp should be ridden with filth and violence, and nothing else. This whole fucking thing has been quite fucking embarrassing.

Hands tied and head sacked

Most times these time travel mindfucks fail by too religiously trying to explain the unexplained. Looper didn't fuck around with the loopholes too much and they - albeit weird sidestorish superhero thang - came up with a quite a splendid result.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Curtains drawn

Estonian psycho-bitch loses her marbles and everything is quite unfunny. And the movie is frustratingly tiresome, I might add.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Psychotic black dwarf with an afro

This one spawned a few dozen followers and straight-on rip-offs, but none remain as bold and cool as the Guy Ritchie original. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Didn't pan out

It was my second or third time I watched this and it ain't Coens' best (The Big Lebowski, always) and it's nowhere near their worst (Intolerable Cruelty), but it's an entertaining fucker and it's quite near perfect.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cooper was a nazi

Not bad, but it ends there. Actually one of the best Finnish movies for a long time. But, sadly, that tells hardly fucken all. It's very much watchable, but lots immemorable too.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story

Things are happening in mafialand and they are depicted by elegance and emotion. Really quite an enormous show, the characters aren't developed so profoundly as they were in The Sopranos, but I'm sure things will perk up.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Plenty of tramps in town

I'm not too familiar with these and they don't come around too often. But one of the most exciting shits I have seen for a long time.

Monday, April 08, 2013

An Eskimo came along

Yes, it's pretty cool, but compared for instance to the almost embarrassingly similar Heat (Michael Mann), I really don't think it stands on its own much longer.

Alive for a reason

A huge game. I started playing it to kill some time and liked it immediately. And suddenly the minuted turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I had to put a stop to it, I finished the story mode, but left the smaller more trivial episodes for the future.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Life is a marathon

It was now a second time that I watched this. Within a short period of time, that is. I remembered that I liked it the first time round and now just tried to find out if it still holds true. And yes, I reckon, it does.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Foxes live in holes for a reason

I was recommended this by couple of people, so I watched it. I am not a fan of so called stop-motion animated features, but yeah I guess this wasn't alshite.

Sad and happy tissues

Don't pretend to be so all fucken clever, but it was none too difficult to forget it.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Life is happiness in hell

They put Russian mafia, Chinase triad, bent NYPD cops and Jason Statham in the same room. And we pretend to guess who comes out alive.

Homeward bound

Gabby Petito wanted to be an internet star, but her asshole boyfriend Brian killed her. She first went missing and there was a nationwide se...