Sunday, March 31, 2013

Let's get properly lecherous

By Finnish standars, this has a top-notch cast and features every makings of a cool comedy, but - don't know - despite clocking only 75 minutes, the fucker seemed like lasting for a lifetime and just for a two short moments or so, it made me laugh.

Altering attitudes of mind

I really liked the Lars Keppler novel and this - albeit few subplots - is loyal to it, but can't help it that the movie looks like a cheapo TV production with idle moments abound.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

First cut the red wire

It was a race against time. Who can look dumber and act worse. Elisabeth Banks or Sam Worthington. A close call. Jamie Bell and Genesis Rodriguez following close behind. Man, what a fucken turd of a movie. Painful to watch. Seems like I don't like watching movies in the Spring, everything is fucking rubbish.

Girl with a handful of grenades

I find it always very amusing when Liam Neeson is making these serious tough guy pictures. And all in a positive sense. It's just kind of cool as I'd imagine him being totally opposite in real life. Nothing wrong with Neeson in Taken 2, but wow, what an amazingly shit of a story. Easily one of the silliest ones I have seen for a very very very long time.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stir the fire with a sword

A scifi thriller that doesn't take itself too seriously, or at least Guy Pearce's character Snow is a bit of a comic rascal with coltish one-liners. Having said that, without Pearce's efforts the film would be lost in space.

Running is not an option

Well, it really is dead fucken cool following the slightly different TV show and the comic book.

The past is a construct of the mind

I don't know. Not my genre. A remake. I was tired. The stars weren't aligned to begin with.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dodging bullets

The initial concept is great. A gigantic life-ending asteroid is about to hit the earth in a few weeks time and people act accordingly. Someone creative and cool would have written something else than wishy-washy happy-together crap, sumthin like death and dying and famine and great plagues and mass suicides. Maybe suffering.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Eighty-nine percent pure junk

I don't think there's a more fitting movie that depicts the time of the early seventies New York, you can almost taste and smell the dirt and fumes of the city. That, and it's a pretty cool picture too. Gene Hackman is somewhere in my Top 2 actors of all time.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Once upon a midnight dreary

Can't really put a finger on why this is so much fucking rubbish. The actors - particularly John Cusack and Luke Evans - are totally lost interpreting Edgar Allan Poe and his peers. The story seems unnecessarily busied and the stiff seriousness of everything - despite of some horrendously brutal scenes - is downright comical.

Snickered by multimillionaires

In the end, probably the most serious and thought-provoking 'comedy' Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have done thus far. Of course, when it's funny, it's amazingly delivered, but there's quite a different story here too. A strong statement of celebrity, of ordinary people wanting to get famous, the whole reality show business.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

All in the castle were slain

I think Kristen Stewart can't act.

Bigger than Buddha

I believe that no-one truly, not in their heart, believes in God. Let’s repeat that for emphasis; no-one truly believes in God. Deep down they know God or Heaven or Angels or what-have-you do not exist. Therefore religion in all shape and sizes should be ridiculed. Like Bill Maher does here quite righteously.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hammered, but out alive

I honestly can say I didn't understand all of it, the business jargon got to me, but thanks to cool cats playing it - particularly Kevin Spacey who makes acting look so easy - it was all very exciting all the same.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Warmer by the fire

Brian De Palma lost between Carrie and psychological thriller. Overlong with tediously overlong scenes, thence hopelessly boring. Thumbs up for a true Spinal Tap spontaneous exploding though. Kirk Douglas as a gun-toting father and John Cassavetes as a one-armed bandit.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Large trees in the axe peninsula

I stopped following cross-country skiing in 2001. Entirely. This tells the reason why. Now I truly hate the sport, can't stand the fucking sight of those fuckers. And they still hush-hush the doping scandal and the skiers are regarded as kind of fucking stars. Pathetic. If any of them people is on TV, I'll change the channel. Scum of the earth.

Botched kneecaps

Not bad, but compared to the original, much worse. Same shit always with the remakes, don't know who the fuck bothers.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mexico is best-i-co

Will Ferrell speaking Mexican Spanish (español mexicano) is the catch. They were fingers crossed that alone makes good comedy. But doesn't quite cut it, does it?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Catching the worm

I watched this because I like Steve Martin's tweets. Of course, this has nothing to do with his tweets. Unfortunately.

The price of nobility

A kidnapping story puts on a Deliverance gear, or vice versa. Too a crazy and illogical action, but quite alrite.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Hang or be hanged

When the film ended I was all what? It just ended, couple of the mysteries of the story remained unrevealed, or I don't know, the movie anyways breaks all the laws of film making that I couldn't be much bothered.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

The phantom of technical deaths

All the time, this was almost hilariously funny. But, sadly, never there. Todd Solondz, the odds were against him, he had to backfire some day.

To choose not to shoot, the highest form of shooting

These two great actors, Vesa-Matti Loiri and Samuli Edelman, carry this flop of a movie. The storyline zigzags to fucklots of unnecessary places, there are unmotivated characters running around, the film doesn't have a clue is it a road movie, slapstick comedy, farce or a drama.

Stone-cold, ruggedly handsome delta operators

Manywhere critized as a trademark average first-person shooter (FPS) game, but I guess I haven't played them that many because I had cool killer time.

Homeward bound

Gabby Petito wanted to be an internet star, but her asshole boyfriend Brian killed her. She first went missing and there was a nationwide se...